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FSHotSeat™ Screens

Main Interface

screen1.png (106171 bytes)


Pilot Info and Settings

plt1 hotkeys.png (25670 bytes) plt2 settings 1.png (25684 bytes) plt3 settings2.png (16143 bytes)
plt4 audio.png (20091 bytes) plt5 visual.png (12083 bytes) plt6 characters1.png (16848 bytes)
plt7 characters2.png (16989 bytes) plt8 entertainment.png (16078 bytes) plt9 pilot eval.png (36168 bytes)

AC MFD 1-3

Aircraft Settings and Info

ac11 ac specs.png (29700 bytes) ac2 ac overrides.png (19989 bytes) ac3 aircraft logs.png (34838 bytes)


Flight Info and Logs

flt1 flight.png (32087 bytes) flt2 flight logs.png (33096 bytes)


Voice Settings

vce1 global voices.png (13315 bytes)

In-Flight Popup Overlays


In-Flight Menus

Wx/Route Map

TCAS2.png (74301 bytes) ifmSamp1.png (50921 bytes) Wx2.png (74377 bytes)
ifmsAMP2.png (55982 bytes)

Sample Printable Flight Log Detail

(See Flight Logs MFD above)

      FSHS Flight#: 158
         Real Time: 10/2/2003 2:37:30 AM
           FS Time: 10/1/2003 12:31:42 PM
       Flight Plan: Port Hardy - Tacoma Narrows
              Type: IFR
          Altitude: 30000
             Pilot: Pilot Zero
           Copilot: Mike
          Aircraft: Learjet 45 Limited Edition
           Airline: Private
       Tail Number: N45LR
     Flight Number: 
           Payload: Passengers
    Payload Weight: 1,170 lb/531 kg
       Fuel Loaded: 6,009 lb/2,726 kg (897 gal)
         Fuel Used: 1,058 lb/480 kg (158 gal)
     Plan Distance: 297 nm
       Flight Time: 01:13
        Taxi Allow: 00:12
   Total Plan Time: 01:25
       Plan Depart: 10/1/2003 12:39:42 PM
       Plan Arrive: 10/1/2003 2:03:42 PM
     Actual Depart: 10/1/2003 12:45:04 PM
     Actual Arrive: 10/1/2003 1:53:38 PM
       Actual Time: 01:08
        Early/Late: 10 Early
I Manifest request                                  
I Passengers are boarding.                          
I Copilot arrives                                   00:00:01
I WX CYZT 15003KT 0SM OVC005 11/10 A2992 Q1013      00:02:21
C PL Before Start checklist started                 00:03:52
C Before Start checklist complete                   00:06:18
I Engine start approved                             00:07:06
C CP Engine Start checklist started                 00:07:21
E Engine start                                      00:07:57
C Engine Start checklist complete                   00:08:39
C PL After Start checklist started                  00:08:53
C After Start checklist complete                    00:11:54
I Departure approved                                00:12:50
C PL Before Takeoff checklist started               00:15:04
E Flaps 8 deg 9 kias/0 agl/72 msl                   00:15:10
C Before Takeoff checklist complete                 00:20:25
C PL Takeoff checklist started                      00:21:00
E Takeoff: 138 ias/-6 deg                           00:23:18
E Gear is up 152 kias/1460 agl/1509 msl             00:23:41
V Gear retract late: 1460 agl                       00:23:41
V Flaps retract late: 2408 agl                      00:24:10
E Flaps up 214 kias/2408 agl/2562 msl               00:24:10
C Takeoff checklist complete                        00:24:19
C PL Climb checklist started                        00:26:54
C Climb checklist complete                          00:27:02
C PL Cruise checklist started                       00:40:59
C Cruise checklist complete                         00:41:14
C PL Descent checklist started                      01:00:05
C Descent checklist complete                        01:00:18
E Spoilers 68 percent 249 kias/10085 agl/10584 msl  01:11:26
E Spoilers retracted 204 kias/6247 agl/6247 msl     01:13:43
C PL Approach checklist started                     01:14:11
E Flaps 8 deg 228 kias/4688 agl/4957 msl            01:14:28
C Approach checklist complete                       01:14:51
E Flaps 20 deg 233 kias/3507 agl/3904 msl           01:15:05
C PL Landing checklist started                      01:17:17
E Flaps full 175 kias/1713 agl/1719 msl             01:17:29
E Gear down and locked 172 kias/1535 agl/1535 msl   01:17:42
C Landing checklist complete                        01:18:00
E Landing: 127 ias/-88 fpm                          01:19:13
E Reversers engaged                                 01:19:17
E Reversers disengaged                              01:19:26
I Land bank: .8 deg                                 01:19:27
I Land pitch: 4.6 deg                               01:19:27
I WX KTIW 27007KT 7SM SKC 15/13 A3011 Q1020         01:19:49
C CP After Landing checklist started                01:19:57
C After Landing checklist complete                  01:20:28
C CP Secure checklist started                       01:21:17
E Engine shutdown                                   01:21:56
C Secure checklist complete                         01:22:45
The customers were very satisfied with their arrival time.
There were quite a few complaints about ground delays.
They reported that the ride was very smooth.
Your flying skills were rated good.
Your landing was rated as good.
Overall, your flight rating is good.
OverAll Good (84%)
   Pass Good (83%)
  Skill Good (80%)
   Land Good (86%)
    CRM Good (85%)

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